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News and Spotlights

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Andover Class of 74

Andover’s Class of 1974 celebrated their 50 year reunion this past Fall with a tour of Bloomfield Hills High School. After a busy weekend reliving old memories and making new ones, the organizers had leftover reunion funds. The committee decided to support educational grant programs by donating to the Bloomfield Hills Schools Foundation.

Boys Basketball Team

Black Hawk Fever ignited school spirit for students of all ages as families cheered on three of Bloomfield Hills High School’s basketball teams on a brisk February night.

Bridges Thumbnail

This school year, BHS adopted the Bridges in Mathematics program to enhance elementary math education through hands-on, interactive lessons that build problem-solving skills, foster critical thinking, and engage students with real-world applications.

Donate today!

The Bloomfield Hills Schools Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and their sole mission is to harness the power of our community to support Bloomfield Hills Schools. Every year, the BHSF awards grants across the district, supporting enriching and/or innovative programming that goes above and beyond our standard curriculum. 

Students sitting in a gym watching a man present

Around 80 Bloomfield Hills High School students who previously attended Communication Camp reunited in December, to reminisce and reignite their purpose: to build connections and foster positive school culture.

Complete the Education Benefits Form today

The Education Benefits Form ensures Bloomfield Hills Schools receives critical funding for programs and services that support students' academic and extracurricular needs, with eligibility based on household income and size, and additional benefits available through partner organizations like Bloomfield Youth Assistance.

Civility Project 2024

Dedicated students in Advanced Placement Government classes at Bloomfield Hills High School proudly planned and presented the second annual Civility Project on December 10, 2024. Students planned an interactive presentation and roundtable discussions with local and state elected officials.

ELD Multilingual Night

The English Language Development department of Bloomfield Hills Schools supports students who come to BHS from all around the world. To celebrate our community’s diversity and culture, the ELD department hosted a vibrant Multilingual Family Event, held in the Bloomfield Hills High School Main Commons, featuring cultural cuisine, traditional clothing, and dynamic student presentations.

Book Bags

Make A Difference Day is a national day dedicated to volunteerism, which Bloomfield Hills Schools has historically celebrated on a single day of the year. This school year, with volunteer opportunities for several weeks before and after the district-wide Make A Difference Day event, parent volunteers and school PTOs created a fully equipped library at Whitman Elementary School in Pontiac.

Way Newcomers Author Visit

Grade 5 students in Deyar Nasiri's Newcomer's class engaged in a meaningful virtual event with multilingual author Saadia Faruqi to discuss Faruqi's book "Saving Sunshine", exploring themes of resilience, friendship, and cultural understanding.


The unified arts team at Eastover Elementary collaborated on an interdisciplinary project inspired by author Saadia Faruqi’s visit, where students explored urban and rural communities through Media, STEAM, and Spanish classes, fostering creativity, cultural understanding, and language development.

Fox Hills Time Capsule

A time capsule from 1976 was recently unearthed from former Fox Hills Elementary School. The capsule included a yearbook, photographic slides, carbon copies of text describing the slides, and a cassette tape. South Hills Middle School teacher Scott Sugg is a former Fox Hills student, and shares memories of the school.

Sturgeon Fish

Mike Huhta, a Bloomfield Hills High School biology teacher, has raised eight lake sturgeons as class pets over the years. This endangered species class project connects with many ecological concepts discussed in biology, including survival methods and reproduction.

Matt Beauchamp and Dylan Psenka

Bloomfield Hills High School art teacher and visual arts department chair, Matthew Beauchamp, won the Teacher Award at the Tri-County High School Art Exhibition!

Bond Update- Winter 2024

Thanks to the 2020 bond, the district is progressing with key upgrades: Fox Hills demolition, Bloomin’ West expansion, ongoing BHHS wellness center construction, and 2025 improvements across district facilities.

TreeSchool Construction

Thanks to generous funding from the Cohen Foundation, the Rotary Club of Bloomfield Hills, a Placemaking Realtor Grant, an anonymous large donation, and contributions from individual community donors, the Johnson Nature Center now features an outdoor classroom, which includes a new pavilion, shed, garden boxes, and fencing.

Matt Beauchamp and Dylan Psenka

Congratulations to BHHS student artists whose 18 pieces were selected for the competitively judged Tri-County High School Art Exhibition, and to Matt Beauchamp, BHHS art teacher, who won the Teacher Award for this prestigious exhibit.

The Oakland County unofficial results for the November 5, 2024 General Election are available now. Bloomfield Hills Schools Board of Education has three open seats. The term for these seats will be January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2028.

The unofficial winners of the three seats are: Jason R. Abel, Michelle Southward, and Lindsay G. Baker.

Congratulations to our newly elected and re-elected trustees. BHS deeply appreciates the dedication of community members who step up to serve in this vital role. The Board of Education plays an essential part in ensuring that students in Bloomfield Hills Schools are provided every opportunity to thrive and succeed.

 Three people stand smiling in a forest with vibrant autumn leaves, next to a sign from the DTE Foundation that reads "Leading, Serving and Transforming with our Energy" and includes logos for Bloomfield Hills Schools, Friends of the Johnson Nature Center, and other partners.

On a sunny Saturday morning, volunteers of all ages and from many communities came together at the Johnson Nature Center to plant 25 sugar maple saplings. This initiative was supported by ReLeaf Michigan, a nonprofit tree organization, in collaboration with the Johnson Nature Center, Friends of the Johnson Nature Center, Bloomfield Hills Schools, and the DTE Energy Foundation.

BHS Students and Families Make a Difference!

On national Make A Difference Day, Saturday, October 26, over 120 student and parent volunteers took part in the Bloomfield Hills Schools Make A Difference Day initiative. Over $1,500 was donated to Read to a Child, and over 2,800 books were donated to Whitman Elementary School. The community effort continues, with more book sorting and labeling to be completed - please sign up here to help!

BHS Foundation Awards Grants Across Eight Schools

In October 2024, the Bloomfield Hills Schools Foundation awarded over $25,000 in grants to fund 29 projects across the district, supporting initiatives in STEAM, literature, music, physical education, social-emotional learning, technology, and art.

Meet The District Nurse, Debbie Glazer

Safety Week in Bloomfield Hills Schools highlights the vital work of district nurse Debbie Glazer, who focuses on student health, safety, and staff training, collaborating with administration and local emergency services to promote wellness and support throughout the district.

Safe Gun Storage

As part of our ongoing commitment to the safety and well-being of all students, we want to highlight the critical importance of safe firearm storage.

The Role of School Resource Officers in BHS Schools

School Resource Officers Jenn Lower and Tom Riney play a vital role in ensuring safety at Bloomfield Hills Schools by maintaining daily security, collaborating with administrators on safety plans and investigations, and building trust with students through education, mentorship, and a consistent presence in the school environment.

 BHHS Tennis Team Three-Peats!

Congratulations to our number one ranked BHHS Varsity A Tennis Team! On Saturday, October 19, the team won the MHSAA Lower Peninsula Division 1 Finals for a third straight time! All 12 players advanced to the semi-finals, 8 players went to the finals, and 7 won individual championships!

Therapy Dog Program Merch Shop Fundraiser!

BHS’s PREP students launched a Therapy Dog Merch Shop! You can purchase personalized long sleeve t-shirts and cozy crewneck sweatshirts throughout November to support the BHS Therapy Dog Program.

Fall Festival’s First Pumpkin Carving Contest

The annual Fall Festival at Bowers School Farm featured its first-ever pumpkin carving contest, where special guest teams, guided by student judges, competed in a fun-filled, creative challenge, with the Boo-ing Black Hawks emerging as the winners.

Meals for Kids

The Education Benefits Form helps secure essential state and federal funding for Bloomfield Hills Schools, supporting crucial programs like instructional staff, supplies, counseling, and technology, and families with qualifying incomes are encouraged to apply.

Announcing Bloomfield Hills High School AP Scholars

Congratulations to over 100 Bloomfield Hills High School students in grades 11 and 12 who were named AP Scholars! In May 2024, nearly 700 Bloomfield Hills High School students took Advanced Placement courses, which are college-level classes. The Advanced Placement program recognizes students who have consistently demonstrated high achievement on the AP tests.

BHHS Honors Alumni Athletes as Inductees into the Hall of Fame

The Black Hawk Hall of Fame expanded significantly at Bloomfield Hills High School on Friday, September 20, 2024, as four individuals and four teams from the sports of tennis, swimming, and golf were recognized for their outstanding achievements as Black Hawk student athletes.

PREP Field Trip to the Cider Mill

PREP students enjoyed cider, donuts, and socialization at their first field trip of the new school year! Learning about how the water wheel works, and sharing donuts with staff, builds understanding and community.

Building BHHS “Nests” Promotes Community and Belonging

Bloomfield Hills High School Black Hawks build community by meeting in small cohorts of students in newly formed “Nests.” The goal of these “Nest” groups is to improve school spirit, build school culture and pride, meet and connect with students across grade levels, and provide students with an additional adult in the building who can be a source of support.

IA Students Create Free Summer Tennis Program

Sajan Doshi, a grade 11 student at International Academy and Bloomfield Hills High School varsity tennis player, co-founded the Lil Aces Tennis Academy in Summer 2023 to offer free tennis lessons to students across Oakland County.

BHS Celebrates Two Scholastic Art National Winners!

Dylan Psenka and Ashley Shulkin, students from Bloomfield Hills High School, earned prestigious national awards in the 2024 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, with Psenka receiving a Silver Medal for a mixed media sculpture and Shulkin, a rare Gold Medal for a photograph created during grade 9.

Transportation Updates

Bus stop locations, morning pick up times, and afternoon drop off times are now viewable in ParentPortal under the "Transportation Info" tab.

If your child rides the bus, be sure you're connected with the Stopfinder app. Invitations will be emailed directly from Stopfinder on August 28 - so check your inbox for details on how to get connected. If there are delays or changes with routes, we will be sending notifications through the app.

Meals for Kids

Although this benefit is available to all 4- to 26-year-olds who are enrolled in the Bloomfield Hills Schools, applications will still need to be filled out for families with students in this age group that qualify. For example, if your household size is 4 people, and your annual income is $57,720 or less, please apply.

In order to ensure the protection of children in the care of Bloomfield Hills Schools, school policy requires, prior to any and all persons providing a volunteer service at the school or for any function conducted by the school; all potential volunteers complete a State of Michigan background check. The background check is a name check only, through the State of Michigan ICHAT system and is based on individual identifiers. Any applicant declining to complete a "Volunteer Background Check" acknowledgment form will not be considered.

Bond Update 8.21.24

As we start the new school year, we're thrilled about the enhancements coming to our schools through the 2020 Bond construction projects.

Bloomfield Hills Traffic

The Road Commission for Oakland County will be replacing two culverts under Long Lake and Eastways roads. Long Lake Road will close after July 4 and re-open by August 16. Eastways Road will close after August 17 and re-open in September. 

2024 Traub Winners

Congratulations to the Bloomfield Hills High School Traub Award Recipients: Art Award Winner: Andriana Nicoghosian; Music Award Winner: Amalia Socha; Art Alternate: Zainab Khatri; and Music Alternate: Henry Hutchison!