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Long Lake Road Will Be Under Construction: Updates

Long Lake Road Will Be Under Construction: Updates
We wanted to make you aware of a road closure that will impact some of our students, staff, and families, primarily those at BHHS, Dublin (D/HH, BYA), Lone Pine, and Way.

A portion of the sanitary sewer along Long Lake Road requires replacement by Bloomfield Township. The project area is just west of Kirk in the Hills Church and east of Franklin Road, and it involves replacing the sanitary sewer along the south side of Long Lake Road road between Groton Road and Pine Tree Trail, and across Long Lake Road to the north side of the road. A portion of Long Lake Road will be closed throughout the project.

*UPDATE:  The Long Lake Road closure date has been changed to September 19, 2022, and is expected to extend through November with final restoration occurring prior to the winter.

Bloomfield Hills Transportation Department has rerouted impacted routes to avoid the Long Lake area. Please be patient as we expect delays the first couple weeks of schools as a result of the construction. Updates on the project will be posted on the Bloomfield Township social media outlets and e-newsletters.  Please direct any questions to Bloomfield Township Asset Management Coordinator Cory Borton at