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PREP Field Trip to the Cider Mill

PREP Field Trip to the Cider Mill

PREP, a post-secondary educational program operated by Bloomfield Hills Schools serves young adults ages 18 - 26 who have developmental and physical disabilities. The PREP program seeks to transition our students from school to independent living, and the program offers instruction in daily living skills, domestic skills, social skills, functional academics, and employment skills. Community-based work training opportunities in varied settings are also offered.

A highlight of the PREP program is the opportunity for different field trips each week. The purpose of the field trips are not only to participate in a fun activity, but to help our students and the community come together. Meghan Gornick, PREP Teacher, explains, “We are here. We are helpful and we can do many meaningful things during our day. We are learning, we are spending money, and we are socializing.”  

During the first week of school, students enjoyed a beautiful scenic walk for their annual back to school outing to the Franklin Cider Mill.  After the students arrived, they gathered at picnic benches, watched ducks float in the creek under the bridges, and anticipated the fall flavors of cider and donuts. A few students took the opportunity to see the giant water wheel in motion with teacher Meghan Gornick. Gornick explained the function of the water wheel and its ability to create energy. Others went into the store to assist with the purchases. Many students recalled coming to the cider mill with their families while enjoying their warm cider and donuts. When asked whether or not they liked the trip, it was a happy chorus of “YES!”

After students finished their treats, the group walked back to Booth Center to hand out cider mill treats to central office staff. Students shared a little bit about themselves and were able to meet new staff. This was a wonderful and tasty way to welcome the new school year!

Keep an eye out for upcoming items for purchase. Products are imagined and made by PREP students and sold at their school store located at Booth Center. New this year, students will support the district therapy dogs by creating merchandise for sale in the dogs’ own schools. There will be shirts, stickers, and mugs for sale created with silhouettes of the dogs.