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Safe Gun Storage

Safe Gun Storage

As part of our ongoing commitment to the safety and well-being of all students, we want to highlight the critical importance of safe firearm storage. At the December 16, 2021 Board of Education meeting, the Board unanimously voted in favor of a resolution to periodically disseminate materials stressing the importance of secure storage of firearms. The new secure storage law, Public Act 17 of 2023, went into effect in February of 2024 in Michigan. The law requires individuals to keep unattended weapons unloaded and locked with a locking device or stored in a locked box or container if it is reasonably known that a minor is likely to be present on the premises.

With children spending time in various environments—both at home and in the community—it is essential that firearms are stored securely to prevent accidents and ensure a safe learning and living environment for everyone. Proper firearm storage is a simple yet powerful step that helps protect our students and supports our collective responsibility to keep them safe.

Below are resources regarding safe gun storage: