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Alumni Spotlight

Andover Class of 74

Andover’s Class of 1974 celebrated their 50 year reunion this past Fall with a tour of Bloomfield Hills High School. After a busy weekend reliving old memories and making new ones, the organizers had leftover reunion funds. The committee decided to support educational grant programs by donating to the Bloomfield Hills Schools Foundation.

Andover Band “30-ish” Reunion

Graduates from the Andover classes of 1990 - 2000 came together over the weekend, joined by three former Andover music teachers, Bob Ambrose, Alicja Jahnke, and David Reed, for a picnic lunch and tour of Bloomfield Hills High School.

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Encore Magazine

Encore, the magazine for alumni and friends of Bloomfield Hills Schools, is filled with articles about alumni, retired staff, teachers and students.

Check out the latest edition!