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Cynthia Von Oeyen


Cynthia von Oeyen

Cynthia von Oeyen has been a tireless contributor to Bloomfield Hills Schools for more than three decades. She was a Founding Board Member of the BHS Foundation as well as a parent, a PTO president, a twenty-two-year school board member, an Instructional Committee Chair, a Diversity Champion, and an Oakland County School Boards Association Past-President.

Cynthia has generously given of her time, her intellect, her life experiences, and her heart. She has served our schools as a community-minded citizen and supporter of public education for all students. The BHS community has benefited immeasurably from her advocacy of public education.

In recognition of Cynthia's immeasurable contributions to BHS, the BHS Foundation has established the Cynthia Von Oeyen Fund.  Contributions too this fund will be used annually to support programs, materials, equipment, training, or enrichment initiatives near and dear to Cynthia's heart, such as performing arts, special education, literacy, diversity, social-emotional learning and much more.

Donations to the CVO Fund initially will support performing arts initiatives across the district.

To donate to the Cynthia von Oeyen Fund, please click on the link below or mail a check made payable to BHS Foundation to 7273 Wing Lake Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301. Please indicate CVO Fund in the memo.