Documents Required for Student Enrollment
This list is intended to help you through the enrollment process. In every case, originals are required. Where appropriate, copies will be made and originals returned.
- Child's Original/Certified Birth Certificate. If your child was not born in the United States, a valid passport is acceptable.
- Proof of vision and hearing screening, completed after age 3; submit statement from examining official. Michigan Law requires a vision and hearing screening for kindergarten entrance. Screening done in preschool by a health department technician or at a doctor’s office fulfills this requirement. Oakland County Health Division offers free vision and hearing screening for county residents. Call (248) 424-7070 for an appointment. Your child's pediatrician may have screened your child at a well visit, so that office is a great place to start.
- This proof of dental screening that must be complete within the past 6 months. In December 2023, a new law was passed in Michigan requiring students entering kindergarten to have a dental screening before or during their first school year.
- Parent/Guardian Identification (valid driver's license or picture identification card with district address).
- Official Immunization Record (use Immunization Checklist or submit copy of official record).
- Certified Copy of Appointment of Guardianship (if applicable).
Verification of Residency
One of the following documents is required to prove residency
- Recent Property Tax Statement
- Current Lease/Rental Agreement
- Closing Statement from a recently executed home purchase
Any three of the following documents (with district mailing address) are required to prove residency. Mail should be no more than 60 days old and should be from three different sources. We do not accept cell phone bills, voter's registration, junk mail, or mail from Bloomfield Hills Schools.
- Employer / Tax Statements
- Credit Card or Bank Statements
- Car or Health Insurance
- Gas, electric, water or cable bills
- Government Agency
* Students who were previously enrolled but have not actively attended a Bloomfield Hills School within the last six months are considered "new" students.