
BHS Resident Admissions

Baby Goat with Student

Who Should Apply?

  • High school students in grades 10 through 12.
  • Students who desire to participate in experiential learning at Bowers Academy.
  • Students who are entering their junior year of high school.
  • Students who are committed to attending school daily, on time, and in person.
  • Students who have not been suspended for acts of violence within the past 2 school years.

Application Process:

Those interested in attending Bowers Academy should contact their BHHS guidance counselor or associate principal to discuss a possible referral and next steps.


In order for an application to be considered, the following criteria must be met:

  • Agree to the terms and conditions of Bowers Academy as outlined in the Student Commitment.

  • Agree to meet with Academy Administration to discuss a success plan and expectations of enrollment at the initial interview and orientation.

  • Understand and agree to the attendance commitment, attending school in person and on time each day. This will include arranging transportation as needed.

  • Have independent daily living/grooming skills such as using the bathroom, eating and mobility.

  • Maintain appropriate behavior and social skills as a part of the community in the experiential learning space, including effective communication with students, staff, and community members.

  • Participate fully within the learning community, interacting appropriately with both animals and humans.  Be able to adjust behavior as necessary.


Your presence is an essential part of our learning community.  All students commit to having exemplary attendance.

Collaborative Learning: 

It is our goal to support your growth and development as a learner in our community through collaborative, reflective, experiential, and cooperative learning experiences.  All students commit to participating in collaborative learning experiences.


Engagement on the farm is an essential part of experiential learning at Bowers.  All students commit to engaging with students, staff, and community members within the outdoor learning environment at Bowers Farm.

Career and College Readiness: 

It is our goal to support you in the design of learning experiences outside of the Bowers Academy campus prior to graduating.  All students commit to setting and working towards goals to support a successful future.