Emotional Awareness
Before we can regulate our emotions (and our responses to them), we must first explore our ability to become aware of and identify our emotions. This often-overlooked skill is the foundation of emotion regulation.
Just like one cannot even begin to solve a problem without first identifying what the problem is, we cannot hope to regulate our emotions until we have accurately identified what they are. This is a skill that people of all ages can practice and improve upon. Check out the video, tools, and activities below to learn more and exercise this important skill!
Video: 7 Things You May Not Know About Your Emotions (5:46)
Dive Deeper:
Emotional Awareness - What It Is and Why You Need It
What is Emotional Awareness?
Call to Action:
Engage your family (or just yourself!) in the activities below.
Emotional Awareness Activity (Adults, Teens, or children with help from an adult)
Engage yourself and/or your family members in this activity to exercise the emotional awareness muscles! Reflect upon or journal about the following prompts:
- What words best describe how I’m feeling? (Refer to The Feelings Wheel)
- What thoughts am I having about or in response to this emotion?
- What physical sensations am I feeling in response to this emotion?
- How intense is this emotion and how long does it last for?
- What actions do I tend to take when I experience this emotion? How drastic are these actions?
Activity taken from PositivePsychology.com