Bloomfield Hills Schools Sex Education Advisory Board (SEAB)
The State of Michigan states that every school district that chooses to implement sex education must have a sex education advisory board (SEAB).
- The BHS school board determines the terms of service, the number of members, and a membership selection process that reasonably reflects the school district population.
- The SEAB must include parents of children attending BHS schools, pupils in the district’s schools, educators, local clergy, and community health professionals.
- At least half of the members must be parents who have a child attending a school operated by BHS. A majority of those parent members must not be employed by a school district.
- Members must be given two weeks written or electronic notice of meetings.
Advisory Board Responsibilities
SEAB is responsible for establishing program goals and objectives for pupil knowledge and skills that are
likely to reduce the rates of sex, pregnancy, and STDs.
SEAB is responsible for reviewing and recommending materials and methods to the local school board, taking into consideration the district’s needs, demographics, and trends including, but not limited to, teenage pregnancy rates, STD rates, and incidents of sexual violence
and harassment.
SEAB is responsible for evaluating, measuring, and reporting the attainment of program goals and objectives and making the resulting report available to parents in the district at least once every two years.
Advisory Board Interest Form
Please complete this interest form if you would like to be considered as an Advisory board member.
Sex Education Supervisor
Every district choosing to have a sex education program must have a sex education supervisor, approved by the Michigan Department of Education, who oversees the program of instruction. This role is currently filled by Angela Konzen.